We’re having a….

         Last week, we had our 20th week pregnancy checkup. Riza, Alex and I were very excited. We got to see our little baby’s features: hands, cheeks, feet, heart and so on… And guess what? We got to know the gender of our little peanut!
         Ok, Alex and I were playing Debbie-downers, we didn’t want to know the gender right then and there. We wanted to have a gender reveal! So yes, we skipped that part. We literally covered our eyes not to see it. My wife was the only one who saw the gender! She said: I will surprise you boys this weekend! Alex and I agreed.
         Oh well, later that night, my wife couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t keep the secret any longer. She woke me up at 4am and told me she wanted to make our “true” gender reveal more intimate. I was half asleep but I agreed just so she would let me go back to sleep. When Alex and I woke up at 6am, she told us to stay in bed and keep our eyes shut. She went out our bedroom and brought something back. Tucked herself back in bed and when she was ready, she asked us to pull the blanket down. And there it was, a baby blue bunny on her belly! We were very surprised and extremely happy! We are having another baby boy! Alex was “super happy!” He said out loud, “I was right! Everyone was wrong! I knew I’ll have a baby brother!” With the biggest smile ever! It was one of the best moments we ever had as a family of 3. Since that morning, we started calling our little peanut with his nickname… but that’s another story. [smile]


Newborn Moccasins | FRESHLY PICKED


Balloons | WAL-MART



Created with Sketch.


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