Surprise!!! We are very excited to announce that we have baby #2 on the way! We.Are.Pregnant!!!
We just passed our first trimester and my wife, Riza, is now showing, so the secret is out!
For the past 3 years, our friends and family have been asking us when we will have another baby. Even our son, Alex, has been asking us for a baby brother or a sister! When he found out that we are pregnant, his counting began! He counts daily and weekly! He would say, 4 more days, our baby will be 13 weeks old! Yep! He’s that serious! He is very excited to become a big brother or a “kuya” in Filipino! We actually started calling him just that. [smile]
I am so excited to have an addition to our little family and I can’t wait to meet our little one! We may have a gender reveal on 20 weeks, but we’ll see! I really want to keep the gender until the baby comes out, but who knows, my wife keeps reminding me that we should know the gender sooner! [smile]
Jof! Congratulations, what amazing news!! Blessings now and always 💕💕
Thank you so much, Jessica! 🙂