Sunrise Lovin’

Virginia Beach, VA – Sunday, July 26, 2015 – Sunrise at 6:04AM.

          I’ve always wanted to have sunrise photos in the beach so I woke my wife up at 5:30AM. No, it was not a planned photo shoot – I literally dragged her out of bed and bragged about this idea I had for the two of us. I told her that they will be romantic photos, would look great in picture frames and so on… I thought I was pretty convincing. She didn’t have to think twice, said yes to my insanity and jumped out of bed.

          We were ready at 5:55AM. From our oceanfront room, we took the elevator down from the 9th floor, put our feet on the cold sand, and in less than a mile of fast walking, voila! I spotted the best location for us! I grabbed my camera, set-up my tripod, and started photo shooting. We had a blast!

Here are some of the photos that I took. All ambient lighting, no flash.

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Moments like these are the best!

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As the sun rose, the location got brighter and brighter and so did our pictures.

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My favorite close-ups of us!

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Hers and mine.

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Fine. I had a secret intention before our photo session. I wanted a couple of sunrise photos of me.

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Created with Sketch.


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