Today was a very special day! We got to see our baby boy #2 in HD 4D Live! We went to the same facility, Infant See HD in Fairfax, where we saw our baby Alex seven years ago! Yes! It’s been that long but it feels like it was just yesterday! Oh and […]

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Joffoto Personal

Another mini Jof!

         Last week, we had our 20th week pregnancy checkup. Riza, Alex and I were very excited. We got to see our little baby’s features: hands, cheeks, feet, heart and so on… And guess what? We got to know the gender of our little peanut!          Ok, Alex and […]

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Joffoto Personal

We’re having a….

         I will never forget the day when my wife and I said “I DO” to each other. Other than the fact that you just can’t forget your wedding anniversary, nature gives me a very beautiful reminder every year this time around: cherry blossoms that are in full bloom in front of my in-law’s […]

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Joffoto Personal


          Fritzie and Paul’s engagement session is definitely one that I will surely remember! We planned a blizzard engagement session but the roads were not ready for us. We waited for a couple of days and as soon as the roads were cleared out, we hurried at Ida Lee park and captured their […]

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Joffoto Engagement

Fritzie + Paul snow engagement

Happy Snow Day, Friends!          For a couple of weeks now, I’ve been posting last year’s family snow photos on my Instagram and Facebook pages. I have so many cute ones to share so instead of flooding my social medias, I’ve decided to blog them instead. We will be taking new family snow […]

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Joffoto Personal